Hi everyone.

There’s a lot going on in the world right now and it didn’t feel right to come back with a normal post and not acknowledge anything that’s been going on especially because since the start of this blog I’ve wanted it to be a place where everyone’s welcome. 

So many people have been posting some amazing informative blog posts over the past week so I’ve decided to do a bit of a round-up of some of the posts I’ve been reading and have found useful. 

101 Black Owned Businesses to Discover and Support – In The Frow

Why a Diverse Social Media Feed Is So Important – In The Frow

3 Questions To Turn Allyship into Action – Camille Styles

Black Lives Matter Resources – Zoella

Anti-Racist Reading List – Lauren Conrad

26 Small Businesses Owned by Women of Color – Gal Meets Glam

Dear Donna, How can I help #BlackLivesMatter – Daisy Butter


Dear Donna, How can I help #BlackLivesMatter? – House 21

Books, TV Shows, and Podcasts to Educate Ourselves on Anti-Racism – Song Of Style



It’s important we educate ourselves on these topics so we can continue to do better and be better. 

Reading and learning over this past week has made me realise I need to be more aware, particularly with the brands I support.  I’ve read things about certain brands that have made me realise how little I actually know about the brands I buy from and post about, like is their workforce diverse?  are they inclusive? are they ethical? are they sustainable? do they align my values? Etc. Going forwards I will be doing more research so I can make sure I’m showing products from brands that align with my values. I also want to ensure anyone I mention on my blog, social media or YouTube aligns with those values as well. 

I’ve also been sharing useful information on my Instagram story and have created a highlight for it if you want to go over and have the look click here.

If you’ve read (or even written) any posts that you’ve found useful link them in the comments because I’d love to read them.

XOXO – Alice

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