The Power of Make Up and Fashion | Self Confidence
I’m back with another post and today I wanted to get a bit deep (not too deep though just a bit deep) and talk about self confidence and the impact fashion and beauty can have on it. I’ve had this post sat in my drafts for a while and just haven’t posted it yet, there’s no particular reason why though I just didn’t want the post to go waste.
Also, side note on self confidence, I watched a really amazing documentary on Thursday all about self-confidence and the impact of online trolling, you’ve probably heard of it and may have already watched it because it has been trending this week, it’s called ‘Jesy Nelson: Odd One Out’ and I highly recommend you give it a watch, it’s very eye opening and powerful.
Ok, side note done, onto the post!
In this post I want to talk about giving my blog a bit more focus and what my vision for the blog actually is. I don’t want this blog to be purely just be about beauty and fashion, I want it to be more that. We live in a world where we’re constantly on social media and see so many altered images showcasing this idea of 'perfection' and being constantly surrounded by these images can really damage our self esteem. I think everyone reading this post has compared themselves to someone on Instagram before. Although, I do think the online world is changing, the media is starting to use less air brushing, people are showing more of their flaws and body positivity is being embraced more than ever, but there is still a long way to go with more changes to be made and I want this blog to be part of that change.
Personally, I think beauty, fashion and self-love all go hand in hand. I think beauty and fashion are such powerful tools to help us feel good about ourselves. When you feel like you look good on the outside, you feel good on the inside and feeling good inside is so important. Over the last few years I have been definitely been on a self-confidence journey when I compare myself now to how I was 5 years ago it’s crazy what a difference in confidence there is. To be honest I used to feel a bit invisible and I worried way too much about what other people thought to the point where I stopped blogging for a long time even though it’s something I love doing. I feel like my first year of uni was a big turning point for me, I was meeting new people, having more fun and my self-confidence started growing and it’s continued to do so over the last two years. I feel like now I’m at a point where I’ve learnt to love and appreciate myself a bit more and I’ve learnt that the right outfit and make up can be a serious confidence booster. To some people that might sound stupid but I really think they can make a massive difference. Always make sure you do it for yourself though and no one else, it's about showing up for yourself. Personally I think getting ready is so fun, you get to literally choose who you want to be that day and how you want to look. I'm definitely guilty of being lazy with my appearance especially day to day but when I do put the extra effort in I notice a big difference in confidence.
If right now you’re in a place where your self esteem is low I want you know that it’s not going to be that way forever. I think a lot of it is to do with time and getting older. It will take time but you’ll get there eventually, you just have keep going and believing. You deserve to wake up everyday feeling amazing and you can.
I want my blog to not just focus on the outside because that’s only half of it. I want to focus on the inside too. I want this to be a positive space online where you can come for a little boost. I’m going to be sharing tips and tricks to help you feel your best and I’m so excited to start providing more value because whilst I love showing products and things I’m loving I want my blog to be about more than that.
This post has been a bit of a ramble so I’ll wrap it up.
I’d love to hear about all of your self-confidence journeys in the comments below - where are you at self confidence wise right now? Don’t forget to follow me on Bloglovin’ to stay up to date, you can also subscribe by email using the box in the side bar to get posts delivered straight to your inbox.
XOXO - Alice
"Your biggest comitment must always be yourself." - Bridgett Devoue
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